
News from The Seven Sisters

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hey! I've been reading some of my "family members'" blogs. I guess it's really become a hit in with the younger generation in Utah and thereabouts. But, wow! They have figured out how to add video and photos and music. No wonder nobody ever bothered coming to my blog. I've let my blog lay dormant for too long. Except for its name (which is amazing), I've lost interest in it. And I've decided I really have no desire to put all my thoughts on line where everyone can read them.

I e-mail friends and acquaintences and family members, and nobody reads them. Why would I think someone would read a blog?

Maybe it's a way to "journal." That makes sense. As long as you are sure you site will stay up forever. I guess it's as reliable as a paper journal that may be subject to fire, hurricanes and earthquakes. Nothing is sure in this world I suppose.

Perhaps someone from a far distant land might come across your blog and think, "Hey, this person seems to be someone who might be deserving of my fortune. I'll give it to her." That would be a good reason to blog.

I think people out here where I live are more interested in Facebook and MySpace.com and even putting things on YouTube than they are in blogging.

I think the culture "out west" is more conducive to blogging. I'll talk more about those cultural differences if I ever come back here again.

This blog is for the seven Martin Sisters, (the pleiades) and anyone else who might happen upon it.

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