
News from The Seven Sisters

Friday, December 23, 2005

There probably aren't too many people who grew up in a family of seven sisters. That's why I created this blog---because I did. However, my sisters are so busy with their lives that they haven't time to check in with my blog, so it sits, untended. My husband goes out nearly every day to check the space station, looking up at the stars at the same time. He'd be more suited to host a blog by this name, but, alas, he's even less tech savvy than my sisters. Sigh! I'd love to be a star gazer, but I have bad eyesight. It takes too much effort to see the stars. That's probably just an excuse, however. I sometimes wonder how my brother-in-law became such an avid bird watcher when he has worse eyes than I do. I love to look at birds, but my glasses have been scratched by using the binoculars so much. I guess people do what they really want to do. And what I really want to do is create my Carrier Pigeons.

Have a great holiday season. And, no, I'm not going to buy into that silly argument that I have to say "Christmas" or whatever. I'm going to say "holiday season," because that is what it is. And here's a Christmas tree--because that's what it's called.

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